Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Talk about myself? Alright then, here goes nothing.
My name’s Lawrie (I hope you’ve gathered that much), and I’m a sophomore at Whitney Young high school. I was born in Chicago, grew up there for most of my life as well. People always ask me if I came from China. Sorry, but no. It’d be cool if I could say yes, but then I’d be lying. My parents think I do too much of that already (they’re wrong though).
I was adopted when I was eight, after a series of unfortunate and rather complicated events that would probably take up a whole novel. I’ll write a novel someday about it, since I like writing novels. I’ve written quite a few fictional novels just for the fun of it, since I’m weird like that, but I don’t like writing nonfiction. However, my family and friends keep on bugging me about it and telling me I “have to have to have to” put my story into words, so I guess I’ll do it one day, when I actually have time and am running on an adequate amount of sleep. Looks like that won’t be anytime soon.
Yeah, sleep. I really like sleeping, but then again, who doesn’t? I also like reading, and as I’ve mentioned earlier, writing. I like being with friends, especially the ones that you can be yourself around them. You can trust them with your secrets, burst out in random songs, annoy the heck out of them, act extra dramatic, crash their houses, steal their food, and, well, the list goes on.
Similar to many people out there in the world, I like music. I enjoy playing the piano, but more than that, I like to just enjoy listening to music. Soaking in the organized sounds set in time (that’s how someone in my band class defined music, I think that’s pretty good, since at least for me music is hard to put into a few words) is a hobby of mine. I like to listen to a variety of music, but one of my favorites is just listening to film scores. Don’t give me a weird look- I love music from movies. They’re great for the imagination, and they also do crazy things to your emotion. They’re dramatic, and I love drama.
Well, I guess that's enough about me for now, so, later!

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